How to Make a Portfolio Website for Photography

If you want to get more photography jobs and take your photography concern to the adjacent level, you're going to need a photography portfolio. You may have hundreds or thousands of photos nether your chugalug, just have yous really gone through and identified which ones would brand the nigh powerful photograph portfolio? We're going to interruption down everything y'all need to know about how to put together a truly stunning photography portfolio website. Plus, go along reading for some amazing photography portfolio examples to inspire you.

Building a Photography Portfolio

No matter what kind of clients you're trying to attract to your photography business organisation, these photography portfolio ideas will aid you create the all-time website for your photography business—and really stand out from the crowd. Permit's get started.

Build My Portfolio
Photography website
Make Careful Considerations

Make Conscientious Considerations When Creating a Photography Portfolio

If you really desire your photography website to succeed, brand certain to accept your time in considering not only what you want to include, but how yous desire to nowadays it. There are a lot of elements that go into building a photography portfolio, then it'southward important to have your time and carefully consider every single item of your photography portfolio website, from the photos you lot choose to the fashion you lot nowadays them. First: let's talk goals.

Build My Portfolio

Determine Your Goals

Make up one's mind Your Goals in Building Your Photography Portfolio

Yous demand to determine what your goals are for your creating a photography portfolio. What's your focus going to be? Sit downwardly at your desk and leave some pen and paper—writing these questions and answers out can help you clarify the goals for your artistic photography website. Hither are some things to consider when you lot're just getting started:

  • Who is your audience? What kind of clients are you trying to bring to your site? Are they people? Companies? Publications?
  • What are your strengths? Do y'all love shooting landscapes? Or are you lot more of a portrait lensman? Are y'all nifty at black-and-white film? Or do yous excel at Photoshop retouching and compositing?
  • What is your best photograph shoot or series? If you could pick one epitome to represent your work, what would it be?
  • What are your goals for your business in full general? Do y'all demand to get more shoots nether your belt? Do you desire to branch out into another type of photography, like style or food? Is there something in your work that you want to improve?

Once yous accept all the answers to these questions written out in front of you, yous should have a amend thought of what y'all want to attain with your new photography portfolio website.

Practise Your Photography Portfolio Inquiry

Notwithstanding demand a little inspiration to become started? Notice some photographer website examples to meet how they showcase their work. Y'all only might discover an idea or two that you lot can personalize for your own site. Bank check out these amazing photography portfolios examples, and be certain to check these photography website examples out as well:

  • Chloé Le Reste
  • Naomi Wong
  • Lauren Holmquist
  • Eamon MacMahon
  • Fred Tougas
  • Cameron Lee Phan

After that, create a moodboard of some of the best photography websites; you should be able to encounter some common themes emerge that may guide you in how y'all can set up your ain meridian photography website.

photography website builder

Choose The Right Photography Portfolio Website Architect for Your Photo Portfolio

While you may think that which photos you lot present in your photo portfolio is the well-nigh of import thing to consider, the way that y'all showcase your work tin can also take a big influence on the success (or lack thereof) of your photography portfolio website. In fact, a written report found that the quality of your photography portfolio layout can take a huge impact on your job prospects.

With that in listen, information technology's extremely important that y'all put a lot of thought and endeavour into the style yous present your photography site: you need to show that you are professional and that you lot put great care into your work. In order to do and so, in that location are sure design tips that you tin can follow to assistance y'all create a photography portfolio that stands out.

You need to cull a photography portfolio website builder that enables you lot to insert your own personal design artful and brand identity through templates and templates that truly represent you lot and your work in the all-time light. Using a portfolio architect that specializes in online photography portfolios will simplify your experience even more, particularly if you're new to creating an online portfolio.

You don't have to spend a huge amount of coin to build your photography portfolio in guild to testify that you are confident in your work and that you take your photography career seriously. With prices that fit every budget, y'all can create a beautiful, fully customizable photo portfolio site.

Want the best site for your photography portfolio? Here are some key photography portfolio website builder features to look out for:

Gorgeous Themes:

The best sites for photographers really cater to the needs of professional person photographers. Make sure the photography portfolio website architect has a large option of photography templates to choose from so yous observe one that is modern, timeless, and matches your branding, and shows off your photography beautifully.

Flexible Layouts:

There are so many options to choose from when you're designing your photography portfolio. And, when you're a photographer, the photography portfolio layout tin make or pause your photo portfolio site. Expect for a website architect that is optimized for mobile and has numerous different layouts bachelor, including grid, gallery, total-screen, tile, and horizontal scroll options. The horizontal gyre layout is a corking choice for beginner photographers equally information technology looks stunning even with a small-scale number of shots.

Full Customizability:

You want your photography portfolio site to stand up out from the rest—and that ways you need to be able to customize everything, from favicons to typography. Font-wise, you want to be able to modify the size, weight, colour, and positioning of your typography.

Video Support:

As more and more photographers aggrandize into videography, more and more photographers are showcasing their video portfolio as well.

Client Proofing:

Every photographer knows that client back-and-forth tin eat up a lot of time. One fashion to reduce these endless east-mails is to run your client proofing right from your photo portfolio. Client proofing galleries permit clients to view and approve proofs direct from your photography portfolio.

Google Analytics Back up and SEO Boosting:

Yous definitely want to have Google Analytics enabled on your online portfolio so you can have access to all that handy data on who is visiting your professional photography portfolio. Your website builder should optimize your site for SEO, so potential clients can detect you with ease.

Born Blog:

The best photography sites for photographers take blogging functionality. A blog is cracking for your photography business organisation in many ways. It can help your clients get to know yous a little more than—and increase their make loyalty. It can as well assist heave your SEO—go far easier for potential clients to observe your photo portfolio via search engine. And it tin can help y'all establish yourself as an manufacture expert, by sharing your expertise and a behind-the-scenes look at your process.

Merely don't forget to proofread everything on your blog. Even the best photography portfolio website can exist sunk past sloppy copy.

24/vii Client Support:

It's always helpful to have a support team at your service around the clock; the best platforms for photography portfolios have top-tier customer success teams in identify for any site questions, no matter what time it is.

Free Trial:

Finally, you want to option a photography portfolio that offers some kind of test period then you can try it first and ensure that the photo portfolio is a perfect fit for your photography business.

Demand help creating a photography portfolio? There are plenty of resources online to avoid or fix mutual portfolio mistakes as well as tools to improve your portfolio. And if you lot require a little actress help, you tin can cull a photography portfolio website builder that will offer services to help yous build a photography portfolio for yous.

user friendly design

Make Your Photography Portfolio User-Friendly

Create a positive and memorable experience for potential employers and clients viewing your photography portfolio by making sure your design fundamentals are solid throughout your photography portfolio presentation. Here are a few website design tips to assist y'all create the best photography site:

  • Since your homepage is the get-go thing every visitor sees, you desire to make certain that page actually shines. Showcase your very all-time image or two here to really grab visitors' attention. Accept a few smashing shots to share? Get for a filigree blueprint and show off a handful of your most attention-grabbing photos to set the tone for the remainder of your photography portfolio website.
  • Ensure that you are using the aforementioned fonts throughout, and prioritize clarity and readability over bright flashy design. When it comes to websites for photographers, your graphic design choices should, above all, be hands readable, and should bring the viewer'south focus to your images, rather than distracting or pulling focus abroad.
  • If the photos in your photography portfolio tell a story, make certain you display them in an social club that makes sense to the viewer. If each photograph stands alone, however, it may make more sense to group them by portrait and landscape orientation then as non to distract past switching back and forth.

Try and ensure that there is some guild to the sections of your photography portfolio site. Some organization options include:

  • Subject matter
  • Type of work
  • Clients
  • Medium
  • Location
  • Serial
  • Nonetheless experience like your galleries are a little overstuffed? Go through each i and remove one-half the images. Trust usa: you want each gallery to feature just your best work.
  • Add together image captions to your professional photography website where possible, every bit they can be a big help in grabbing viewers' attention and personalizing the work. You tin discuss the camera you used to shoot the image, where it was shot, or some behind-the-scenes details about the subject field, shoot, or mail-product manipulations. You could even just go with the standard format of prototype title, year created, material, and size. This is also where you tin credit the rest of your team, like your stylist or prop team. Don't forget to add alt-text as well; this is the text on the back-cease that describes the image, which helps Google "run across" it: information technology's great for SEO, and makes your photography portfolio layout more accessible, as well.
About and contact

What to Include in Your Photography Portfolio

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to creating a photography portfolio website is the question of how to choose the images to include in your portfolio. It can exist tempting to choose photos for your portfolio based on your personal preference, merely this isn't the only thing to consider when building your photograph portfolio. Below, we'll focus in on how to finer curate your photography portfolio and what to include alongside your photographs.

3 Craft An Attention-Grabbing Nigh Me Page for Your Photo Portfolio

Every bit one of the most-visited pages on your photography portfolio site, your About Me page or bio page is a great place to really assistance your clients get to know yous and your brand. People are ofttimes more inclined to hire photographers that they experience a personal connection with, and an honest, authentic bio volition help establish that connectedness and encourage make loyalty. Let'southward get into some tips on how to craft an amazing About Me page for your professional person photography portfolio:

  • If you demand inspiration, cheque out some of the best portfolio websites examples; run into which bios grab you—and which ones y'all don't love.
  • Start off past introducing yourself: your name, what you do, and where y'all're based. Make sure your opening sentence is well-crafted and, ideally, an attention-grabber. Include your brand keywords in there, like, "I'm Logan Kendall, a New York fashion photographer specializing in plus-size shoots." This is great for SEO, and will assistance more people find your photo portfolio faster via Google.
  • Include a cocky-portrait. Folks want to see the face that goes with the name—and it's a smart way to show off your portrait skills. Choose a photo that really exemplifies your brand.
  • Use an outgoing, friendly tone. Authenticity and personality actually resonate with people; this is the place to testify off what makes y'all you. This is why information technology's a practiced idea to sprinkle in a few piffling personal details, whether it's the number of countries yous've visited, a photo of your cats, or your new Italian cooking hobby. Information technology'll help make your photograph portfolio site more memorable.
  • This isn't a resume. Use your About Me folio to describe your work and what makes it unique, and give a succinct overview of your experience, accomplishments, and awards. People will get bogged downward in too much detail, so just stick to the top highlights. Y'all can ever link out to other printing mentions, besides, to assistance go along it brusque.

Don't forget to include your contact info, either on your About Me page, or on a divide contact information folio. You can include your social handles here equally well.

Don't Forget the Photography Portfolio Pricing Page

If you're trying to attract new clients, you lot should definitely have a pricing page on your photography portfolio website. Even if you're but including your starting prices, information technology's smart business to have one. Why? Well, most visitors to your photo portfolio site don't want to bother taking the actress step to call or e-mail service about prices. And, if you have a pricing page on your professional photography portfolio, you lot know that any potential clients that do contact you are most likely fine with your cost-range and won't haggle too much.

Build My Portfolio


Cull Your All-time Work for Your Photograph Portfolio

Sometimes information technology tin can be challenging to divide your best piece of work from photos that y'all have a personal attachment to, or that bring up positive memories. Endeavor to arroyo creating your photography portfolio as considerately every bit y'all can, prioritizing images of loftier technical skill and emotional resonance rather than any emotions you might have tied up with your work. Just because you lot love a photo does not hateful that it necessarily belongs in your photography portfolio.

Prioritize quality, non quantity. Cull which photos to include carefully. If you really tin't dig up enough good photos to include in your photography portfolio website, information technology's time to catch your photographic camera and start producing some new work that represents where yous're really at in your photography journey.

One time you've spent hours working on your photography portfolio, it might be hard to have a step back and be objective about selecting the all-time examples of your work. Here comes the difficult part: how practice y'all choose which images to feature in your photography portfolio layout? This can be tough. But we have a few tips that volition assist you narrow down your selects and ensure that y'all showcase merely your best work. You don't desire to overwhelm photograph portfolio visitors with pages and pages of photos.

  1. Select but your all-time images. This means going through all your shoots, all your series, all your shots and picking out the best ones. You really desire to make sure yous're picking the best of the best. A recent study revealed that potential employers decide whether they want to work with you or not in the first six seconds of viewing your photograph portfolio—and so you lot better brand sure you're wowing them with your very all-time work, and the best photography portfolio possible.
  2. Make sure that every image you option is on-brand for your brand. Let's say you specialize in urban street photography. You might be actually proud of that nuptials you lot shot upstate last twelvemonth, but it'll await a little foreign on your photography portfolio—all-time just to leave that one your archive for now.
  3. Do another pass. Once that you've got your initial picks, y'all probably desire to narrow information technology down even farther. But how do yous do that? One trick you lot tin can utilise is to pretend yous're someone else. Put yourself in the shoes of a potential client or photo editor or creative managing director: which images would stick out for them most? Another trick is to wait back through your work for the pieces that have already gotten some validation, whether it's an award or nomination, or some press attention in a cool art publication. Those shots may not be your favorite, but they clearly accept some special appeal for others.
  4. Look at the numbers. At present comes the question of how many photos you lot should include in your professional photography portfolio. Well, there is no magic number. We recommend getting information technology downwardly to 10% of your output to start, so paring it downwards from at that place to your very best shots.
  5. Get a 2nd opinion. That means it'southward time to call in your most trusted friends and colleagues—fellow photographers are ideal, but pals with a skilful eye and an interest in photography can assistance, besides. Ask them to review your shortlist and pick out their own selects. It may offer some amazing perspective on which images really pop—and which don't.

Now you should accept a small drove of your very best work. From here, you should go dorsum to your slice of newspaper where you wrote down all your goals. Reviewing the target industries, agencies, and photography types you lot're after should assistance y'all narrow information technology downward even further.

Loftier-manner shoots may look dandy, but they won't assist you get commercial nutrient photography gigs. If yous mainly shoot weddings simply want to go into manner photography, only feature your more high-fashion bridal shots. Yous desire to showcase the images that will assist yous get the most work in the areas you lot are most passionate about. And don't worry—you can fill these target areas in with personal shoots or TFP shoots when you're first starting out.

Showcase Your Postal service-Product Skills

Exercise you have photos that you've edited into panoramas or GIFs? Possibly y'all've recolored a photograph in Photoshop or a like program to emphasize sure elements? Feel costless to include some entries in your photography portfolio that represent a variety of technical skills…including those that happen after the pictures have been taken. Even if you're merely starting out with your photography business, you can acquire a lot of helpful Photoshop skills really rapidly using online tutorials: the more you know, the more than in-demand your services will exist.

Here are some techniques to consider including on your portfolio:

  • photo retouching
  • digital compositions
  • photograph manipulations
  • glitch art
  • 3D photography
  • cinemagraphs
Showcase Your Adaptability

Use Your Photo Portfolio to Showcase Your Adaptability

Here's the affair: if yous're a freelance photographer, it's often necessary to focus in on your particular niche in gild to find your ideal clients. Still, when you're creating a photography portfolio, it'southward also of import to demonstrate your flexibility when it comes to creating a wide diversity of types of photographic content.

With this in mind, include photos in your photography portfolio that evidence the many different sides to your work. If you love shooting withal lifes in an indoor studio environment, past all means, include examples of that. However, this shouldn't exist the only blazon of photography you showcase in your photography portfolio. Instead, include some wildlife photography, or head out to a club event to really add variety to the type of photography you are presenting on your photo portfolio site.

This is your opportunity to demonstrate a wide range of abilities and photographic skills, and bear witness that you lot can deliver high-quality content regardless of the brief you lot're given—emphasize your ability and willingness to bring the client's vision to life, rather than focusing besides narrowly on your own artistic preferences.

Claiming yourself to include a variety of unique styles in your photography portfolio, along with your technical skills. Consider including examples of night photography or long exposure, each of which showcases a sure set of specific skills and shows that y'all've put in the time and effort to teach yourself proactively. You lot can besides showcase both indoor and outdoor photography, and a mix of colour and black and white, in order to prove your agreement of the technical aspects of different types of photography and of the equipment you piece of work with.

This way, you permit your future clients know that you tin adapt speedily and provide high-quality photography no matter what situation you lot find yourself in. It'due south also a skilful idea to bear witness that you recall most the themes and meaning behind your work, and non just near capturing a pretty motion-picture show.

Why Non Create Multiple Photography Portfolios?

Take a few unlike styles you're dying to showcase? You may want to set up upwards a couple photography portfolios. This tin can exist an extremely savvy business move. Do y'all have two or more than different photography hustles going on? Perchance you run a successful portrait studio and you also offer travel photography tours on the side. It'due south a good idea to keep these businesses split up, and that means a different professional photography portfolio for each; the best photography portfolio websites target customers strategically and continue their focus tight.

Build My Portfolio

Online store

Ready an Online Shop on Your Photography Portfolio Website

Want to sell more photos? Pick a photography portfolio website architect that has an online store built right in. Another overnice-to-have: the ability to create and manage client email lists, right from your photo portfolio.

Make sure you can do everything you want to with the store, even offer sales to your customers, complete with discount codes. You can sell prints, of course, but call up: in that location'south a lot of other products you tin sell on your photography portfolio website, too—developing a passive income stream for yous.

There are the teaching options, including:

  • photography classes
  • photography workshops
  • photography tours
  • photography tutoring sessions

And the product options, like:

  • photo books
  • Lightroom presets
  • Photoshop actions

No matter what you're selling, your product descriptions demand to be really strong to shut that auction. Hither are our all-time pointers on crafting product descriptions that sell:

  • Keep your audition in listen: use the keywords and writing style that will entreatment to your target demo. You wouldn't use the slang term "fam," for example, if you lot're trying to sell formal family group portrait packages.
  • Include detailed specs and measurements; tour or workshop itineraries; or print sizing and resolution for all your products then clients will know exactly what they're getting when they're shopping your photography portfolio.
  • Employ your product description to tell a story. Talk about how a childhood museum visit inspired a particular serial, or embed some video to show the backside-the-scenes process of how this shot came to be.
  • Utilize vivid, sensory describing words, and avoid jargon. Use strong adjectives and be as descriptive every bit possible. Y'all tin even continue a listing of describing words on hand; there are a lot of lists online that yous can employ as a resource.
  • Evoke emotion. Write descriptions that recollect feelings in the viewer, whether it's sharing a heart-tugging story virtually the subject or using terms similar "awe" and "wonder" and "majesty" to depict breath-taking landscapes.
  • Don't forget to harness the power of SEO for your photography portfolio website. Be specific in your descriptions. If something is a dog portrait, label it a canis familiaris portrait. And use bullet points and paragraph breaks, so they're clear and easily readable, too.
  • Prove the customer on your photo portfolio how the work will exist in their space. Talk nearly what a conversation slice it volition exist, or how this print could elevate an entire photography collection. You can also use an app that will create an paradigm of how a space would look with the work hanging on the wall; this will help customers really come across your photography in their home or role.
  • Leverage that social proof in your favour. Did this particular shot win an award, or go featured on a prominent art weblog? Mention it—people love seeing that validation.

Build My Portfolio

Second Opinion

Go A 2nd Stance on Your Photography Portfolio

Now it'south fourth dimension for the final step: showing your photography portfolio site to people y'all trust. Recruit some photography colleagues and some friends—honest friends—to do a thorough review of your photograph portfolio. Ask them to be brutally honest. Are there too many images? Not enough images? Are the product descriptions or pricing page as well vague? Once you make those final edits, you're done.

Update portfolio

Update Your Photo Portfolio Regularly

Don't forget to set aside some time every month to update your photography portfolio layout: write and schedule some blog posts, add any new press mentions to your bio, and upload whatsoever fresh work you're specially proud of. Consider removing some old work for every new series you add to your professional person photography portfolio; think: you lot always want to curate your site to be the best photography portfolio website possible. It should be your all-time work, not where you lot store all your work.

Now become started on that photography portfolio—we can't wait to run across what you come up with.

Updated on February 21, 2020 | Past Steph Davidson

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