Listening to Podcasts While Sleeping Reddit

Do you lot listen to podcasts before you get to sleep / to help you autumn asleep?

Informal poll! Super curious if anyone uses podcasts to help them air current down earlier sleeping, or even listen to them as they fall comatose? If so, what kind of shows?

Or, do you relieve your podcasting listening for other times -- commuting, doing housework, exercising, etc.

Cheers, in accelerate!

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level one

Yes. I've been listening to Stuff You Should Know to autumn comatose. I also use information technology to combat anxiety attacks in public.

I become bad anxiety at night. The 2 hosts talking is one of the few things that ground me and keep my attention on them without being loud or stressful in any fashion. It's basically function of my anxiety treatment plan lol.

level 2

SYSK is so soothing. Lol the sarcasm episode was and then much fun.

level 2

Omg, I came hither to make this exact aforementioned comment. I have basically conditioned my brain to fall asleep when I plow it on. I've likewise more or less done the same for my fellow. If he wakes upwardly in the middle of the night he'll ask me to turn Josh and Chuck back on.

I also use The History Chicks for the same reason, and occasionally Part-Fourth dimension Genius.

level ii

This is my bedtime podcast too!

level 2

I have the same routine with listening to SYSK they are the all-time with easing my anxiety. I got my husband hooked besides lol. Such a great affair to know others take similar taste đź‘Ť

level ii

Yeah. Feet sufferer here! There are some podcasts that are slap-up to fall to slumber to.

level 2

I also have feet at night, I'll have to endeavour this one, thank you!

level 1

I listen to gory truthful criminal offence podcasts while I fall asleep. Peradventure I'1000 a weirdo.

level two

I do too! And I also wondered if I'g a weirdo.

level two

Me too as ironically I really listen to no sleep it's my happy time….horror stories read to me as I autumn asleep.

level i

I have anxiety, and I've found that having a low-cal podcast on helps me to not overthink when I'm going to bed. I've been sleeping really well since I started putting on a podcast at night. I like to take but a light, conversational podcast on. If it'due south too interesting if academic, I become besides interested and just stay upward listening.

level 2

I heed to Nothing Much Happens to fall comatose! It'due south not conversational, but it's specifically for this purpose. It's short stories that are interesting enough to focus on, but definitely non And then interesting that y'all're over-engaged and can't fall asleep. It'southward been PERFECT for me, I dear it!

level 2

Same but not. My top three sleeping podcasts are Hardcore History, Trail Went Common cold, and Trace Evidence! I used to fall asleep to Forensic Files and listen to that to at-home my thoughts, now it's podcasts (forensic files are in podcast grade, these days, simply in case you want his voice)

level 2

aye me to, actually helps me with anxiety and for relaxing, great to hear from someones els!

level 2

To me its but the opposite, I need to mind to podcast that are really hard to understand to fall asleep, developer podcasts for example

level 1

I heed to Lore to autumn asleep. I've heard them all at least once, some of them several times. Haven't heard how very many of them cease, though.

level ii

Lore is the all-time! I have severe indisposition and feet and something about the sound of his voice is super grounding and calming. I have about a dozen episodes that I know ALL the words to...I'll usually pop on one of those and zone out while I listen to the hubby snore!

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